Thursday, May 8, 2008

SparkPeople and Sprint Alive!

I've been putting it off long enough.

Nido Quebein says that your present circumstances do not dictate how far you can go...they only indicate where you start. I'm not feeling very healthy right now--so that's where I'll start. (That's an approximation of what he said, not a direct quote...but you get the drift.)

I received a call from Sprint Alive! about 10 days ago offering me 3-5 free calls from a certified "health coach." Reluctant and skeptical, yet intrigued, I accepted the offer to take advantage of this benefit. And I'm really glad I did.

Diane called me last Thursday morning at 8:30 during my morning commute time. Immediately when she called, I regretted the decision to let her call me.

"I already know what to do to be healthy," I lamented to her, "I just need to do it. Maybe I don't really need a health coach after all."

Diane said, "So you need someone to help you be accountable--I know how to do that."

In reality, I need both nutrition and exercise plans. But focusing on both of those at once seemed like too much to bite off at once, so I chose to start with nutrition. She asked what I normally eat and said that I'm really not doing all that bad--she told me what I already knew...I needed to be more proactive to planning my meals. I made 2 goals that morning.

1. I will write down everything I eat this week.
2. I will take my lunch to work everyday instead of buying food from the campus restaurants at Sprint.

I was feeling pretty good at that point, and agreed to receive a 2nd free call from my health coach a week later. I got off the phone feeling really great about my plan.

Then the week went by and Diane called me this morning, again at 8:30 during my morning commute time. I didn't want to answer the phone when she called. I reluctantly admitted that I have not done 1 thing in the past week that I had committed to her on the phone. "I see," she responded. "Why didn't you keep your commitments?"

Well, the truth is that I just didn't plan those commitments very well. Thursday I was already on my way to work when she called, and I didn't have a lunch with me. Then over the weekend we went out of town. Monday I had lunch with my friend, Greg. Tuesday I had lunch with my friend, Dan. And Wednesday was a team "Food Day" at work (where I was unable to resist having both a brownie and a piece of chocolate fudge cake.) In short, I just never got started with my plan.

However, today, just before Diane called me, I stopped at the grocery store and bought food for lunch at work for the next week or so. As I type, I am enjoying a Boca chick'n patty, a bunch of grapes, and some non-fat yogurt to dip them in. At Diane's suggestion, I'm also trying out some new Fiber One granola bars or South Beach granola bars for a snack. And I've re-committed myself to documenting what I eat in on my SparkPeople page.

I have several reasons for wanting to be healthier. First, I just want to feel better. Second, I would like for my clothes to fit better. Longer term, I would like to lose 20-30 pounds. And I would like to become a "health coach" for my family. I think we could all benefit from making better choices about how we eat and exercise.

Diane said she was really proud of me. She said that last week I was in the "planning" phase of my change. She said that now I sound more like I'm in the "action" phase. She will call me back in 2 weeks to check on my progress. I'm sort of looking forward to the call.

1 comment:

Dan Kneeshaw said...

Sparkpeople can work wonders...I am proud of you. I can even give you details of my "contest" with Brent and how I believe Sparkpeople made all the difference. Keep up the good is hard but well worth it.