It's kindergarten picture time! Emery's new photo (age 5 1/2) turned out great! It perfectly captures my littlest daughter as I see her each and every day. In her beautiful stripey eyes we see just how self-assured she is. Emery walks out the door each morning, completely in charge of her destiny. She has a confident answer to absolutely any question...even the ones nobody asks. She strives to earn a "happy-face" note from the teacher each day--but some days are just "squiggle-face" days. Her "best friend" is Zachary, who she recently stopped kissing, opting instead to just "blow kisses." She knows her address and is working on her phone number. She knows her ABC's and the sounds they make--some days we have "break-throughs" where everything makes sense and she can sound out all the short words. Other days she's just not in the mood. This is a picture of a young girl who just likes to do her own thing--if the world doesn't work to her advantage, she has "techniques" to deal with us too. And so the process to socialize and "channel" all that high-commanding spirit through the next 13 years of public education begins! I love Emery so much. In our well-intended quest to help her grow, I just pray we don't mess things up.
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