Tyler and I drove up to Lincoln, Nebraska for a second visit to UNL yesterday. This trip pretty much sealed the deal...Tyler wants to be a Husker. It rained most of the day, but the sun came out just as we were about ready to go home so I could snap a couple quick photos. I think he sorta looks like he already fits in!
We toured the campus again, checked out the business school and met one of their advisers, spoke with business school students, ate some lunch and of course we went to the book store to purchase some Husker gear. Everything looked so pretty in the fall! And the food in the cafeteria was outstanding. One of the other Dads and I lamented a bit that we wished we could go to school at UNL next fall.
Some big names have come through here. Warren Buffett is a UNL graduate. And they also lay claim to the guy who invented and promoted Kool-Aid....whomever that was ;-) Tyler still wants to be an Actuary...for now, anyway. Everyone keeps saying that most kids change their major several times before graduation day arrives.
So the school is chosen and the degree is chosen. Our whole family is very excited about wearing our Big Red and learning to be Husker's fans...all that remains are the scholarship applications and keeping our fingers crossed that this will be affordable ;-)
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