Friday, November 21, 2008

Fabricante de Película, Extraordinario

Tyler's Spanish II class was broken into small groups (3-4 students each) and assigned to create Spanish videos. Tyler's group had so much fun with the assignment, they even created a movie trailer--the teacher previewed with the class a week in advance...everyone loved it!

Here's the trailer...

Here's the final project...starring Tyler, a couple of class mates, a filthy little red car and, of course, Bruce! (aka the Bitchin' Camaro) Be sure to stay tuned for the "Bloopers" at the end ;-) I think Tyler may have a future in film making...UNL does have the Johnny Carson Film School if he ever gets tired of the whole Actuary idea...


Anonymous said...

A STAR is born ?!? David and I both cracked up! How fun!

Mandy Campbell said...

Loved it!

Anonymous said...

I saw Bruce's evil twin today. A black Camaro with almost identical hood scoop. It had a spoiler to make sure it didn't take off and the entire car was flat black.

Perhaps they can hook up for another episode with an evil counterpart.